Department of wellness services & disease prevention
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Important Instruction for health checkup:
Prevention is Better than Cure as Early Detection Saves Money, Reduces Pain
Complicated and sedentary lifestyle changes have become quite common in these times of high stress and fast paced living. Many factors are at play in determining an individual’s health such as the past health behavior, demography, personality traits, social support, family functioning, contact with healthcare providers and an individualslifestyle.
The World health Organization (WHO) has identified India as one of the nations predicted to top the list of nations with highest number of lifestyle disorders in the near future.
Keeping this alarming fact in mind, Goenka Hospitals have developed the Preventive Healthcare Programme to take care of lifestyle disorders through its scientifically designed and well thought out health check-up options.
Importance of Preventive Healthcare Programme
Goenka Premium has been introduced by Goenka Hospitals for the first time in Gujarat. Goenka Premium is a one-of-a-kind advance programme for a 360-degree health analysis. This programme offers one of the most comprehensive range of tests. It's a one-time process where you get a full head-to-toe screening and check-up with quick results. The Goenka Premium programme also advises on lifestyle management so that one can lead a healthy and happy life in the years to come. The detailed examination not only identifies any ailment one may be suffering from, but also forewarns about afflictions one is likely to suffer in the future. The program recommends remedial action for the same in advance, thus the nipping the problem in bud stag itself.
It is a process of making small regular decisions and taking positive actions towards matters of health, diet, exercise and lifestyle. These actions give you the best chance of remaining free from all the disease.
Essential Guidelines of Good Health